Blogs > A day in the life of a journalist

I am a staff writer for The News-Herald Newspaper in Southgate. This blog will be about the life of a young, fresh-out-of-college journalist who is experiencing new things and learning not only about the communities I cover, but the nation and the world as a whole every day.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

10 New Year's Resolutions for Journalists in 2012

10 New Year's Resolutions for Journalists in 2012

10. Run at least 10 blogs.

9. Make friends with at least two city employees because if anything bad happens and you write about it, even though it's your job, someone is going to hate you.

8. Tweet more than anyone else.

7. Stop investing in pencils. Let's be real, no one actually writes anymore.

6. Get the most page views, no matter what desperate acts you must partake in to do so.

5. Only work 60 hours per week for that 40 hour per week pay. Unrealistic, I know. But we can make goals.

4. Drink more. Hey, don't judge. It cheers us up after the brutal things we deal with all week long.

3. Remember that every insult, rude remark and threat regarding a story must be taken as a compliment because somebody read your story. (If it's not regarding a story, my resolution suggestion for you is to run and hide).

2. Keep the psycho who calls anonymously every other night to tell you what he thinks of your stories as far away as possible. Granted that's difficult when your work address is published everywhere. Scratch this resolution, let's change it to: get as fit as possible so you can run away if the anonymous psycho finds you.

1. Remember that there actually are a few people out there who appreciate your writing - well, most of it. They still really hate some of it.

Happy New Year, my fellow journalists!

“I still believe that if your aim is to change the world, journalism is a more immediate short-term weapon.”
– Tom Stoppard

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