Blogs > A day in the life of a journalist

I am a staff writer for The News-Herald Newspaper in Southgate. This blog will be about the life of a young, fresh-out-of-college journalist who is experiencing new things and learning not only about the communities I cover, but the nation and the world as a whole every day.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Meeting an Inspriational Person at the Most Unexpected Moment

Yesterday, The News-Herald hosted our first-ever Blogger Fair!

We had about 25 people come to the fair with interest in blogging for our website. Two other staffers, Rene Cizio and Dave Herndon, and myself gave presentations with a conclusion from Rick Kessler about making money with blogs (of course, the most popular topic of the presentation)!

Tuesday we did a run-through of the presentation and we were all a little nervous about how it would turn out, and I'm so proud to say it went amazingly well! People were interested, asked questions and some have already started blogging!

I had my own special moment at the end of the event. I met an outstanding woman, Charyl Booth from Southgate.

Unexpectedly meeting an inspiring person

As I stood at the front of the room giving my part of the presentation, I had noticed a few people who seemed more enthusiastic than others and Charyl was one of them. I could see the excitement in her face about beginning a blog.

She grabbed me after and had a question to ask. As others started to leave the room I sat down to answer her questions. She started to tell me about what she wants her blog to be about...

I was astounded with what she told me. Charyl used to work at Henry Ford Wyandotte Hospital, but then she had medical issues, including a terrifying stroke. She told me that doctors have referred to her as a "miracle."

But, her story isn't the only thing she wanted to blog about. In fact, she wanted to blog about the power of words and the inspirational messages she has left on yellow sticky-notes throughout her life.

Charyl is one of those people who always has everyone come first. She wants to cheer up everyone, help strangers and leave an impression on those who have encounters with her. She was able to cheer me up, help me remember to smile and left an ever-lasting impression of my perspective of living life for what it is.

We set her up with a blog and titled it "Yellow Pieces of Paper." She has already posted twice and I am thrilled that she is going to write these influential and uplifting posts. We all need something to cheer us up.

You never know where you will meet someone who will have an impact on you. I wasn't expecting to meet someone as admirable as Charyl yesterday, but I did, and I am immensely happy that I was able to do so.

I love the random moments of being a journalist. Meeting new people, amazing people.

I'm ending this one with one of favorite quotes from Steve Jobs, a man who I think inspired a lot of people without ever meeting them.

"Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma,which is living with the results of other peoples' thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what your truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." - Steve Jobs during a Stanford commencement address.

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Blogger Unknown said...

Good job yesterday. I think we came off like we actually knew what we were doing! I was worried that someone would have a question I didn't have an answer to.

November 17, 2011 at 1:15 PM 
Blogger Rene said...

Great blog, Erica. I can never read that Jobs quote enough. Thanks for sharing it again!

November 17, 2011 at 1:47 PM 
Blogger Erica Perdue said...

Dave and Rene, you both did amazing yesterday! We all did a lot better than we expected I think.
I love that quote by Jobs, Rene. While I was typing this out I knew it would be the perfect way to end my blog post!
Thank you both for reading!

November 17, 2011 at 2:30 PM 
Blogger Charyl Booth said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

November 21, 2011 at 10:03 AM 

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