Blogs > A day in the life of a journalist

I am a staff writer for The News-Herald Newspaper in Southgate. This blog will be about the life of a young, fresh-out-of-college journalist who is experiencing new things and learning not only about the communities I cover, but the nation and the world as a whole every day.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Be remarkable; the social media shift in journalism, and life in general

The fact of the matter is that the internet is taking over. Obviously, anyone reading this is starting to realize that. It's the way the world is moving. Especially social media. It's a form of communication now.

Some people (including journalists) don't approve of the transition. Picking up a newspaper is now less common and clicking on a desktop icon and typing a website into the search bar. Using a phone book is less common than typing a name into Facebook or Google+ to find a way to contact someone.

It's all changing. For my generation, it's pretty normal. Sure, there are always tons of advancements to learn, but it's a concept I'm used to.

I've spoken with a few people lately who are completely against the internet transition. The usage of Facebook and Twitter to share news is second-nature to upcoming multi-media journalists, but some journalists who were writing before this transition don't want to accept it.

Personally, I have found it amazing to watch people transition. Facebook isn't just for teenagers and people in their 20s. Have you seen the amount of people on there? My parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles are on there. Trust me, they're all over 20.

Google, Facebook, Twitter, Email, smartphones ... they're changing the world, whether you like it or not.

Sure, people get addicted. I always have my phone with me. Every email address, personal and professional, is synced with my phone so I get an alert every time someone emails me. And texting, oh, texting.

Let's take it back a step though, to the journalists. This is one career where you HAVE to be adaptable. You have to change with the times. That's the way it goes, friends. If you're reluctant to learn new programs and alter the way you work a little then you won't make it.

And frankly, it makes life so much easier. Being able to take a laptop to a meeting and write the story there is so great. Being able to text a coworker about breaking news while you're witnessing it makes everything more calm. Being able to upload videos within minutes to share with the world is something everyone should take advantage of.

Using Twitter's constant news feed to find out what's going on across the world makes journalism so much more fast-paced and thrilling. Sharing things on Facebook with your friends instead of asking them over the weekend to read the newspaper clipping you have makes them much more willing to read and share what you have to say.

Journalism is socializing. So why not use social media to your advantage? I recommend it!

Thanks for stopping by and taking advantage of this blog, brought to you by Google's outstanding capabilities. Catch ya later, Internet World :)

“How can you squander even one more day not taking advantage of the greatest shifts of our generation? How dare you settle for less when the world has made it so easy for you to be remarkable?” – Seth Godin, Seth’s Blog


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